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Math for Liberal Arts DANTES Practice Test
1. Convert 6 ½ yards to inches
A. 234 in
B. 216 in
C. 78 in
D. 19.5 in
2. How many fluid ounces are in 2 quarts?
A. 8 fl oz
B. 16 fl oz
C. 32 fl oz
D. 64 fl oz
3. Which of the following should be used to display the distribution of a single quantitative
A. Bar graph
B. Histogram
C. Pie chart
D. Table
4. All circles are
A. Congruent
B. Equilateral
C. Similar
D. Isosceles
5. Two polygons are similar. Their corresponding angles are
A. Proportional
B. Regular
C. Bisecting
D. Congruent
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Math for Liberal Arts DSST Practice Test Answer Key
1. A:) 234 inches
2. D:) 64 fl. oz.
3. B:) Histogram
4. C:) Similar
5. D:) Congruent